Pendulums + Dowsing

Dowsing using a pendulum is a practice that involves using a suspended object (the pendulum) to receive answers or insights through subtle movements in response to your questions. While dowsing has been used for various purposes, such as seeking water sources or locating objects, it's also used as a tool for intuitive guidance and energy work. Here's a basic guide on how to dowse using a pendulum:

Start by choosing a pendulum that resonates with you. Pendulums can be made of various materials, such as crystals, metals, or wood. The pendulum should have a pointed or weighted end and a chain or string to hold.

Prepare Your Space: Find a quiet and calm space where you won't be disturbed. Sit her stand comfortably with your pendulum in hand. 

Establish Your Intentions: Before you begin, take a moment to set a clear intention for your dowsing session. Decide what you want to receive guidance or information about.

Calibrate the Pendulum: Hold the pendulum's chain or string between your thumb and forefinger, allowing the pendulum to hang freely. To calibrate the pendulum, ask it a series of yes/no questions that you already know the answers to.

For example, ask, "Is my name [your name]?" and observe the pendulum's response. Typically, a clockwise circular movement indicates "yes," and a counterclockwise movement indicates "no." The pendulum may also swing back and forth or remain still for these responses. Take note of how the pendulum moves for your "yes" and "no" responses.

Ask Your Questions: Once calibrated, you can start asking your questions. Hold the pendulum steady and ask your question out loud or in your mind. Allow the pendulum to respond based on the movements you observed during calibration. It might swing, rotate, or move in a specific direction. Remain patient and open-minded. Sometimes the movements can be subtle, so pay attention to any changes.

Interpret the Responses: Interpret the pendulum's movements based on the responses you received during calibration. Remember that the pendulum is responding to your subconscious or intuitive guidance. It's a tool to help you tap into your inner wisdom.

End the Session: When you're done with your dowsing session, thank the pendulum and the energies involved. Clear your mind and put the pendulum away in a safe and respectful manner.


Practice and patience are key. Dowsing with a pendulum can take time to develop, and your connection with the pendulum may strengthen over time.

Trust your intuition. If you feel a strong pull toward a certain response, even if the pendulum's movement is subtle, it's important to listen to your inner guidance.

Stay relaxed and focused during the process. Stress or tension can affect the pendulum's movements.

Do not use a pendulum with a cracked or broken tip.


Remember that pendulum dowsing is a tool for personal guidance and insight. It's a practice that relies on your intuitive abilities and the energy between you and the pendulum. The more you practice, the more you'll become attuned to the subtleties of the pendulum's responses.